As it is important to us that you are completely satisfied with your purchase (especially when it is carried out remotely via the Internet), we offer a 30-day returns policy, starting from the date of dispatch, for a full refund or exchange (except bespoke designs or jewellery which has been customized specifically to your requirement, and are not eligible for refund).
If you need to return your piece for some reason, please contact our team to start the return process together. Once we have confirmed the return process, you will be responsible for returning the piece to us.
You will need to package the piece/s in the original box or other sufficiently protective packaging to ensure their safety in transit and prevent any damage. You will also need to ensure that the piece is covered by insurance in transit and that it is required to be signed for on delivery. Once your piece has arrived safely and been processed, our team will be in touch to confirm the next steps.
The conditions for the 30 day return policy are the following:
- Valid for all designs available on our website. Bespoke designs or jewellery which has been customized specifically to your requirement are not eligible for refund.
- The returned items must be undamaged and in a "new and unused condition" with all original documentation and packaging
- Your previous purchase has not been subject of a 30 days return too
- In the event of an order comprising several pieces of jewellery, the final return can only apply to one piece (this condition was established to protect us from fraud)
- The jewellery has been returned within 30 days with the postmark being taken as reference.
- Items showing obvious signs of wear or alterations by another jeweller will not be accepted.